Chicago Employers Must Allow Employees Time Off to Get the Vaccine

Chicago Employers Must Allow Employees Time Off to Get the Vaccine 

Do you want to get vaccinated and cannot take time off work? Hello, this is Reinhard von Hennigs. And if you are in the city of Chicago, you may be in luck because the city of Chicago, enacted a Corona vaccine city ordinance, which prohibits companies and individuals from discriminating based on the fact that somebody would like to have a Corona vaccination. This ordinance imposes significant penalties for employers who somewhere block or prevent their teams, their staff to go and get vaccinated.

By the same token, it boils down to what can you, as a company do to make sure that you are not subject to any employment issues related to the vaccine. And here are my quick takeaways. Number one, if there is an opportunity for you to get your team vaccinated, why not get them vaccinated if it gives your organization the ability to operate? Because we may be soon at a time where the fact that somebody is vaccinated would allow or prevent somebody from entering a plane, traveling, doing sales promotion, or whatever it is. Second, New York is a state where there is a four-hour mandatory vacation for our mandatory paid time off for Corona vaccines.

Third of all, there are some side effects discussed as well, and certain companies are implementing rules that if you have side effects related to the COVID vaccine, you may get paid time off as well. So my summary story is to figure out if you are running a company, what other special rules in your jurisdiction?

And just because you are not aware of it yesterday, it does not mean that they may not be in place tomorrow because we all know the law can change fast. And finally, good common sense makes a lot of sense. So if somebody wants to get a vaccine to harass that person is certainly not a good idea. You would not stop somebody from getting the flu shot. Or would you?

#397, April 2021, COVID vaccine, Chicago, time off, New York.

Why Did 700,000 People Leave London in 2020?

Brexit Effect on the Labor Market

Big Ben, the symbol of the United Kingdom! If Big Ben rang every time someone leaves London, then it wouldn’t stop ringing at all. A recent study published shows that in 2020, nearly 700,000 inhabitants of London have left the city. Many of them also left the country. Right now, the current statistic is that about 1.3 million people left the United Kingdom in the wake of Brexit. It is not clear to me how many of these folks leave London and the UK because of Brexit? It is also possible that they could have lost their job because of the coronavirus, or maybe they just feel like other opportunities outside of the UK are more relevant for them.

The downside now is that the labor market in London and the United Kingdom is very complicated.Work is tight and it’s very difficult for employers to find qualified labor. A discussion point I picked up the other day is that there is a serious discussion to reduce the rights of the workers in light of the shortage of workers. I feel like it should be the other way around however. With a shortage of workers, their negotiation power should go up to claim some more benefits. Whether it be Brexit, COVID-19, or whatever else it is, the situation in London and the UK in general is complicated. For you as business people, I’m sure a big question for you is if London is a good place to invest or operate your business. If you see a shortage of labor and a labor market that doesn’t give you enough qualified choices, I’d say for now to stay out of the United Kingdom.

#334, January 2021, London, UK, Brexit, employment, labor market.