The FAAs New Zero Tolerance Policy for Flyers

The FAAs New Zero Tolerance Policy for Flyers

Do you want to pay $35,000? If you fly frequently and you don’t want to pay $35,000 then you better behave. The FAA issued a warning the other day that they are now taking a zero tolerance stance. It makes me wonder what kind tolerance that they had before. The Federal Aviation Administration stated that anyone who interferes with, physically assaults, or threatens to physically assault aircraft crew or anyone else on an aircraft. This is good news for you as a passenger. In other words, if someone else misbehaves, there’s a higher likelihood of them calming down if they’re facing a $35,000 fine.

Interestingly, the FAA stated that this rule will only apply until March 31st, 2021. This makes me wonder if this goes hand and hand with the Presidential inauguration next week. The rule was announced this week and has become effective. Another interesting point is that unruly behavior includes not wearing a mask when directed by the staff. In other words, if you don’t want to wear a mask and don’t want to pay $35,000, do not fly. This is not a do not fly list, it is just a practical approach. If you want to fly, behave and wear a mask, you won’t have to pay a fine.

#333, January 2021, FAA, air travel, masks, fines, Presidential inauguration.